Process for Electric Service Connection

  1. PMES - Attend PRE-MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION SEMINAR at ESAMELCO Main Office, ESAMELCO North Area Office and ESAMELCO South Area Office every Monday to obtain a certificate of attendance from MECP who conducts the seminar.

  2. JOB ORDER - Contact an ESAMELCO accredited electrician to prepare a JOB ORDER for house wiring installation. Fill up information, sign, and attached 2x2 id picture.

  3. FILL UP FORM & ATTACH DOCUMENTS - Fill up membership application and electric service application. Attach the following documents.

  4. HOUSE WIRING INSPECTION - house wiring inspector conducts inspection on your housewarming installation. If the installation is in order, he will recommend energization for your house/building and leaves the JOB order with you for attachment of necessary documents.

Note: If your building is located more than 150 meters from the tapping pole, or even if it is less than 150 meters but located across a street where vehicles regularly pass by, the house wiring inspector will recommend the installation of a GI pipe. If the building is located beyond 150 meters from the tapping pole, the inspector will endorse the job order to the Technical Services Line Inspection Team for determination of the number of posts and the length of wire.

  1. PAYMENT OF FEES – Payment of Charges/Fee to any ESAMELCO Office/Area Office

  2. SUBMISSION OF ALL DOCUMENTS - Submit all documents and other requirements including as photocopy of Official Receipts of ACSR or THHN wire/ GI. pipe/ wire holder, and picture of GI pipe posts to ESAMELCO Main Office or ESAMELCO Area Office

  1. Visit the Institutional Services Division and submit the following:

                  1.1 Electrical Plan

                  1.2 Building Permit

                  1.3 Valid ID

                  1.4 2X2 ID picture

                  1.5 Tax Identification Number

                  1.6 Request for conduct of Area Inspection/Survey (if necessary)

                  1.7 Membership Application with Certificate of PMES attendance

  1. The House wiring Inspector verifies the electrical wiring installation and makes report/ recommendation.         

  2. TSD conducts survey and prepares Bill of Materials for Banking & Metering, & Line Construction if needed.

  3. Applicant delivers transformer (with ERC seal) for testing at Technical Services Department. Test will be conducted in accordance to standards of Energy & Regulatory Commission.

  4. TSD prepares Contract for Electric Service on Banking & Metering, and Memorandum of Agreement for Line Construction if facility to be energized is located in considerable distance from tapping pole.

  5. Signing of Contract and/or MOA and payment of bill of materials and labor charge by applicant or his duly authorized Representative to Sign MOA & Contract.

REMEMBER: Do not purchase Service Drop Wire (ACSR or THHN) or GI Pipe without first obtaining a recommendation from the inspector

With Dedicated Transformer

Without Dedicated Transformer